Which Septic System Type Best Suits Your Establishment?

The construction of an establishment takes a lot of time and money. You also have to plan meticulously and hire professionals to ensure that you get your desired outcome. Plus, there are many factors needed to be considered such as the materials to be used, water supply and electrical source. But aside from those, have you ever thought of what kind of septic system you will get? According to Malabanan, a trusted septic tank services provider, septic system design and size vary due to a combination of factors. These factors include household size, establishment type, soil type, lot size, proximity to sensitive water bodies, weather conditions, or even local regulations. To give you an idea on what septic system you should get, here’s a list of septic system types and where they are most suitable to use. (all pictures are from: https://www.epa.gov/septic/types-septic-systems)

1. Aerobic Treatment System (ATS)

An ATS is best for homes with smaller lots and inadequate soil conditions, or for homes close to a surface water body as it only occupies minimal space. It is a small scale sewage treatment system (made of pipes and a single tank) that uses aerobic processes to break down solid wastes and treat wastewater. Although they are affordable and effectively manages septic sludge, they require regular maintenance to keep them running at their optimum performance.

2. Cluster/Community Septic System

A cluster/community septic system is a decentralized wastewater treatment system commonly found in places like rural subdivisions. The whole system is made up of several tanks and collects wastewater from different homes. The wastewater will then pass through pipes until it comes to a treatment and dispersal system located on a suitable site nearby. When your household is a member of a community septic system, maintenance and repair services are pricey, but it is commonly paid by the owner/developer of the subdivision.


3. Drip Distribution Septic System

Malabanan septic tank services professionals state that if your establishment (e.g. factory) produces a large amount of wastewater, the drip distribution septic system is the suitable choice. This system works by treating wastewater then releasing amounts of filtered wastewater into the soil. It lets owners control the amount of waste that is going into the soil with its panel that monitors daily flow, temperature and pressure. Plus, it also has an alarm that rings once there is a detected problem in the system. The only downsides are its large price tag and requirement of heavy maintenance.

4. Conventional Septic System

The conventional septic system is like an ATS because it is also made of a single septic tank. The only difference is it doesn’t use aerobic processes and instead filters wastewater with the help of gravel. It is typically installed at a single-family home or small business that only have few fixture units. However, Malabanan stresses that they are not suitable for all residential sites especially when the soil present doesn’t absorb the treated wastewater well and the lot size is not adequate.

Aside from the ones stated above, there are still many other types of septic systems as per Malabanan. To know which type best suits your establishment, contact and consult a professional septic tank services provider today!


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